Showing posts with label Sex ratio - sociological dimension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex ratio - sociological dimension. Show all posts

Friday, 30 July 2021

Sex ratio - Sociological dimension and implications

          Sex ratio is one of the key demographic indicators which also reflect the socio-
cultural values of society. Poor sex ratio a preference for male child in a patriarchal society.poor sex ratio creates demographic void and has serious implications for society.

Factors responsible for poor sex ratio selective abortion ( amartyasen called this as High tech-sexism and he highlighted that sex selective abortion is a common practice in many parts of India due to - son meta preference + low status of women + spread practices of dowry)

2.gender stereotype ( consider women as weak, incapable and economic burden )

3.limiting family size ( when couple limit thier family size and therefore fewer children of
higher order are born the proportion of male births will increase ).

4.higher male migration and higher female mortality in specific age groups ( due to early
marriage + neglect of females + frequent child bearing ).

5.commerialization and misuse of modern medical technology.
6.impact of modernity and materialism on the decreased valuation of females ( ex: property
rights and inheritance laws ).

7.lack of empowerment of women and limited autonomy in decision making.

8.preference for male child due to Cultural and religious misconceptions.

9.less education among the females they fail to stand for themselves.

Social Implications of low sex ratio

1.the ugly social practices of Polygamy has made a comeback in certain areas as well as
forceble marriages of widows.

2.male dominanted society will lead to reinforcement of patriarchy.

3.lower political representation of women making it difficult to address thier concerns ).

4.Demographic distortion leading to unhealthy social mix.

5.Increasing incidence of sexual violence ( anti social behaviour and threaten societal
stability ).

6.Unhealthy socialization ( treat them as objects ).

7.Imported brides and human trafficking of females in deficit areas ( some villages in
Haryana and Punjab have such poor sex ratios that men “import” brides from other State. such as new household formation will decline.

9.bring down society reproductive potential by lower net reproductive rate.

      A mass awareness campaign to sensitize the people along with a cultural shift in values
are required so that females are treated equally in our society and sex ratio can be

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