Showing posts with label New education policy 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New education policy 2020. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Sociological analysis on New education policy 2020

      Recently cabinet has approved the new National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 with an aim to introduce several changes in the Indian education system - from the school to college 
level. is the only the third major revamp of the framework of education in India since 

Social aspects of new education policy 

1.Universalization of education( with 100% gross enrollment ratio by 2035 + social capital) 

2.Gender inclusion fund and Special education zone ( for disadvantaged regions and groups ) 

3.privatization of higher education which is a denial of social justice.
4.capitalization of education system( ignore country pluralistic tradition. Further neo-liberal 
agend of designing a profit oriented systems that serves bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie 
interest ) it changes the Nature of education from social capital to economic capital 

5.political and social will ( ex: role of government and civil society in policy implementation ) education policy ignores the rich legacy of the anti-caste discourse ( from Savitribai 
phule, Dr B R Ambedkar + role of caste continue to play in circumscribing access to and participation in education ) education policy fails to commit itself to a common school for all children irrespective 
of thier socio-economic status + state policy failure to address the inequality ) 

8.failure to address gender inequality in education ( " virilization of education " more female are sent to public schools leading to consolidation of gender inequalities)

Lavender marriages in india - sociological perceptions

      A lavender marriage is a marriage of convenience between a man and a woman to conceal the fact that one or both partners are homosexua...