Showing posts with label Sociological perspectives on Pressure groups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sociological perspectives on Pressure groups. Show all posts

Monday, 29 November 2021

Pressure Groups - Sociological perspectives and dimension

    pressure group is an organized group of people that aims to influence public opinion or
policies/actions of government. It acts as a channel of communication between the people andgovernment.

Functionalists perspective:- such groups play a constructive role in decision-making. They preparethe ground for the orderly political participation.

Conflict perspective :- on the other hand argue that although a few organizations work on behalf of the poor and disadvantaged most of the pressure groups represent the vested interests of the business leaders, the lobbies of multinational companies, rich professionals and political leaders.They further assert that these powerful lobbies discourage political participation by the individual citizens.

Pluralist view :- believe that pressure group advance the idea of democracy. they argue that concept of pressure group got its ground from the pluralistic theory of power which emphasize on dispersal of power. It is a hallmark of an open society.

Elitists view :- claim that the pressure groups underline and weaken the democratic process. They argue that pressure groups often suffer from poor internal democracy so they cannot be said to truly represent the views of thier members.
Robert daul :- pressure groups act as multiple power centers in modern liberal democratic

Social Functions of pressure groups

1.agents of political socialization ( they influence the orientation of the people towards the political process )

2.they serve as a vital intermediary institutions between government and society.

3.facilitating social progress and preventing social stagnation ( ex: women and environmental movements ).

4.increase social cohesion and political stability ( safety-valve outlet for individual and collective grievances).

5.check government power and defend rights

6.allow participation in democratic process

Dysfunction of pressure groups.

1.Secret deals are bad for democracy ( money talks ). pressure groups represent over 50% of public.

3.promote and campaign for narrow self-interest.

4.widen political inequlity and strength the voice of wealth and elite.

5.use of unconstitutional method ( sometimes lead to mass violence + increase non-legitimate power )

        The pressure groups in india a vital element in the process of political modernization, in so far as it represents a response to increasing functional differentiation and to the breakdown of traditional type authority.

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