Showing posts with label Toppers talking about One Liner Sociology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toppers talking about One Liner Sociology. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Toppers Talking about One Liner Sociology

Rajnish Mehra - AIR 621 in UPSC CSE 2021 
  Hello Sir , I am Rajnish Mehra I have secured 621 rank in UPSC CSE 21 
I want to wholeheartedly thank you as I referred to your blog and current affairs during preparation . Thank you for this amazing initiative . It caters to the changing demand of the examination with emphasis on inculcating sociological thinking through its wonderful articles . Moreover it is a free initiative which makes it accessible to everyone . 
Keep up the good work. 
Thank you once again :)

Catherine Saranya AIR 157 in UPSC CSE 2020
The one liner sociology is giving good content and sociological analysis of contemporary issues. These are great value additions for my answers

 Ayush yadav AIR - 550 in UPSC CSE 2020
Your channel is very apt for present day paper demand. Its a great initiative , I tried to find some similar source during the last attempt but couldn't. A very nice gesture , will surely help socio aspirants in the future. Keep up the good work 😇🙏🏻

Manish Kumar - Selected as NayabTahsildar ( Uppsc 2020)
  No matter whether you are beginner aur veteran ,if u search sociology on telegram you must encountered with ONE LINER SOCIOLOGY, which provides you socialogy goggle (🥽) . What an examiner expect in sociology answer provided by one LINER socialogy. Sociological analysis by one LINER socialogy really benefit me or anyone who follow channel religiously.

                                 Apart from socialogical analysis madhu v Gowda sir personally help me alot in my journey,he provided me material ( he compiled material for me which I have not found anywhere easily).madhu v Gowda sir is very helpful and kind person.       

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