Showing posts with label Uniform civil code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uniform civil code. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Sociological analysis on Uniform Civil Code

1.Eliminating gender discrimination - over the years the rights of women have been limited because of religious laws.liberal and gender sensitive civil code is need of the hour 

2.A uniform law increase inter-caste and inter-religious marriage. 

3.Religious harmony - because it separate social relationships and personal laws from Religion.

4.New social reform - stepping stone towards another social reform across the country- muslims women are denied with personal laws in relation to marriage, on contrary various muslims nations like Bangladesh, turkey etc women enjoy codified perosnal laws. 
5.Uniform civil code control the population explosion 

6.It always polarized around the Twin Axis of - State - Community, Tradition - Modernity and Religion - secularism. 

7.Jawaharlal Nehru and D Br Ambedkar continued endorsing the uniform civil code as an instrument of modernization, secularisation and national integration.

8.Support national integration - supreme court judge YV chandrachuda says -a common civil code will also help in strengthening the cause of national integration by removing conflicting interests. because humanism is our creed and a common law for all indian is our ideal.

All religions as oppressive products of a less developed society , the introduction of a uniform civil code seen as the only solution to get Rid of the continued exploitation based on religion.


1.Threat to communal harmony - it creates fear among various religions especially minorities.

2.Government interference into personal matters - question the legitimacy and secularism of the state.

3. Law Commission of India stated that the Uniform Civil Code is “neither necessary nor desirable at this stage” in the country. The Commission said secularism cannot contradict the plurality prevalent in the country.

4.Constitutional contradiction - The conflict of freedom of religion with equality before law and right to equality. 

5.Generalization of oppression of women - Blind drive for social reform without addressing the district subject position and living reality of the women have been the bane of the rights of women and change in thier status 

6.Threat of Majoritarian dominance over minorities - misconception about hindutva model of uniform civil code.

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