Showing posts with label Tribal land alienation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tribal land alienation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Sociological analysis on Tribal land alienation

       Breakdown of the relative isolation of tribal areas in the name of development and progress has been accompanied by a continuous process by which Adivasis have been systematically displaced from thier traditional habitats 

Routes to alienation 
                    Land alienation among tribes began during British colonialism in india when the British intervened in the tribal zone to plunder tribal natural resources. when outsiders abuse the tribes land and resources, the tribal ecology and tribal life is severely disrupted.

1.development induced displacement - Xaxa committee report says all people displaced in india due to development activity only 21% of these have been resettled.
"Adivasis have been subject to utmost injustice and social exclusion. It still continues, though not openly"

2.state failure - community land of tribal communities recorded as govt land in survey + poor distribution of govt wastelands.

3.creation of national parks resulting in alienation of rights and consequent displacement and forced migration of tribal peoples.

4.Economic poverty of tribals and indebtedness - further marginalization and pauperisation lag - govt failure to providen land records to the tribe and lack of proper legal recognition of tribes over the forest land 

6.Changing local structures of powers and land rights structure in tribal societies is different from what it is in other societies.

7.concept of private property in land also adversely affected tribals 

8.Tribal elite cornering benefits

9.Excessive dependence of tribal communities on land for their income and employment makes land alienation and landlessness a major livelihood concern of the tribes. 

10.lack of social relations outside the closely knit centered society. Displacement leads to disruption in family life and to loss of social network.

11.Unawareness of forest act, illiteracy and poverty - absense of baking facilities in tribal areas 

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...