Showing posts with label two child policy in india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label two child policy in india. Show all posts

Friday, 30 July 2021

Two child policy in india - Sociological dimension

       The two-child norm is a target oriented family-size control policy prescriptions, which
encourages parents to limit their families to two children and creates disadvantages for
couples with more than two children. HUM DO HAMARE DO ( WE TWO OURS TWO )

Issues with two child policy.

1.Gender imbalances ( enforcement to such policies will create gender imbalances and also can create mental subordination towards women ex: undocumented children )

2.Sex selective abortion ( a legal restriction to two children could force couple to go for sex
selective abortion as there are only two attempts )

3.Unsafe abortion ( a significant proportion of rural women especially those from lower
socio economic strata , would be force to go for unsafe abortion because of issues of access and affordability )
4.Violating women reproductive rights and discriminatory nature against ( muslims and third child )

5.Neglect and death of female infants ( increasing orphanism)

6.It question the role of the welfare state ( there is legitimate cause for concern that this
policy will increase poverty levels. why : state withdraw the all concession from people who
fail to adhere to the small family norm )

7.Break-up of families ( it create incentives for men to divorce their wives and abandon thier
families if they want to run for political office )

8.Anti-democratic ( it seeks to prevent people from participating in local self government
after they have been elected through peoples mandate ).

9.cultural factors ( certain religious practices prohibited the use of contraceptive. Ex: most
of the orthodox Christian do not permit abortion at any stage ). customs ( religion and social institutions supporting high fertility rate + marriage is sacrament in hindu religion + children are considered to be gifts of God no control of child bearing )

Social benefits of two-child policy.

1.To minimize social problems and evils ( ex: poverty and unemployment).

2.Improve educational and housing facilities.

3.Changes in the traditional role of women ( destigmatization of women are not baby
making machine).

4.Controlling farm fragmentation ( it's positively impacted livelihood in rural areas )

5.Aviod over-population and mitigation of illegal action.

What's need to be done

1.There is a need to understand the population issue in proper perspective of rights and
gender sensitivity.

2.To alter societal fertility behaviour changes in social norms are needed.

3.Changes in the Law ( national population policy 2000 advocate " small family norm"
without prescribing any number )

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