Showing posts with label Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Sociological analysis on Medical Termination of Pregnancy

"There is no freedom, no equality, no full human dignity and personhood possible for women until they assert and demand control over their own bodies and reproductive process...The right to have an abortion is a matter of individual conscience and conscious choice for the women concerned.”
                                             -Betty Friedan.

Functionalist perspective:- abortion as a constant social change and the other parts of society would try to help with this change.

Conflict perspective :- abortion is regarded as a source of conflict in society. Conflict theorist would generally believe that society is not doing enough to solve the issues of abortion but rather create intense conflict in society. Government v/s people

Symbolic interactionism perspective :- symbolic interactionist may deem abortion as the right thing to do, in the case of a women being raped. However, they may view abortion as the wrong thing to do, in the case if a drunken one night stand, in which neither party used contraception. They says abortion function as a controversial issues in our society there seems to be no end to whether it will be legal or illegal.

Feminist perspective :- abortion was a symptom and symbol of an unjust and unequal society, a society that enforced a double standard for women in sex, in family roles, in the work place, and in politics

What is need for an abortion law 

1.Strengthening reproductive rights - providing legal support ensures dignity, autonomy and justice for women who need to terminate pregnancy. 
           Margeret Sanger said - No women can call herself free until she can choose consiously whether she will or will not be a mother. 

2.Encouraging societal acceptance for choice - creation of a law help spearhead the movement of reproductive rights of women akin to the evolution in the case of dowry prohibition.

3.Medical termination of pregnancy reduce illegal abortion, maternal mortality and morbidity. 
4.Lack of institutionalised abortion support for single or divorced women in extremely vulnerable situation. 

5.Rise of new social movements - to stop female foeticide - countries began to legalize abortion. 

6.Cultural preference for sons and sex selective abortions - Due to patrilineal kinship, inheritance practice, patrilocal marriage system. 

7.Special categories of women - include rape survivors, victims of incest, the differently abled and minors. 

8.Destigamatising pregnancies outside marriage 

What is the Crux of the abortion issue - The Pro-Life v/s Pro-Choice debate 

Pro-Choice movement ( Focus on mother ) 

1. With strong basis in reproductive rights of women - the pro-choice movement is represented by people who are for medical abortion.

2. Women autonomy rights over body.

3. State can't overlook the age of minor and mental health of women mentally ill. Also rape victims should have freedom of choice on pregnancy termination to ensure dignity and justice.

4. No child should be brought unwanted. 

Pro-Life movement ( focus on child ) 

1. With strong basis in religion and rights of unborn child the pro-Life movement is represented by people who are against medical abortion.

2. Fetus rights of personhood.

3. Misuse of prenatal diagnosis for sex determination.

4. Against humanity and state has an obligation to protect all life including fetus. 

Criticisms of MTP act 2021 

1.Social stigma - due to issues like loss of privacy, victims of rape, families may avoid using formal means of abortion.

2.Religious opposition - several inscription and religious texts oppose the idea of abortion - it hinders development of social acceptance and hence leads to limited usage of the law. 

3.Lack of awareness of rights - many are still not aware of their reproductive rights. 

4.Institutionalisation of abortion - the boards are unnecessary and an invasion of privacy of the pregnant women. 

5.Liberal abortion laws can trigger mushrooming of sex selection clinics for female foetal abortions 

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