Showing posts with label women Empowerment and Gig Economy - sociological analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women Empowerment and Gig Economy - sociological analysis. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Women Empowerment and Gig Economy - Sociological analysis

1. Structural Functionalism: This perspective would analyze how the gig economy fits into the broader social structure, potentially perpetuating gender roles and economic inequalities.

2. Conflict Theory: From a conflict perspective, the gig economy is seen as a way for capitalist interests to exploit labor, with women disproportionately bearing the brunt of this exploitation due to existing power imbalances.

3. Symbolic Interactionism: This theory would explore how women gig workers negotiate their identities and social roles within the gig economy, dealing with the stigma or prestige associated with various types of gig work.

1.Labour market segmentation- it reinforces existing labor market segmentation with women disproportionately represented in lower paid, less secure and core related gigs.

2.gender roles - traditional gender roles and expectations can influence the types of gig work women engage often pushing them towards roles.

3.collective bargaining- fragmented nature of gig work makes collective bargaining more difficult.

4. digital divide access to technology and internet can be Barrier for lower socioeconomic backgrounds women limiting their ability to participate in the gig economy.

5.Social entrepreneurship- some women leverage gig platforms to create social enterprise that community needs, combining with social impact.

6.Social insecurity-gig economy contributes to social security where gig workers particularly women experience uncertainty and reduced access to social protections and labour rights. work society day and weeks exploration of a post work society critiques the capitalist emphasis on constant productivity.

8.surveillance capitalism- women gig workers are often subject to intensive monitoring raising concerns about privacy and autonomy.

9. Risk society- ulrich beck discovers how modern economics shift risks into individuals, the gig economy epitomises this as works bear the financial and employment risks. Which can be particularly detrimental Ito women who may have fewer resources to mitigate these risks.

10. individualization - where people are increasing responsible for thier own success and well being, this can exacerbate inequalities.

11. Intersectionality- women in the gig g economy often face compounded challenges based on these intersecting identities.

12.Cultural capital-where women may need to navigate different cultural expectations and norms to succeed in various.

13.breaking gender stereotypes-the gig economy challenge traditional gender roles by providing women with access s to a wider range of job opportunities.

14. Mobility restrictions - traditional norms limit their ability to work outside the home, the gig economy provides a way for women to work outside, overcoming these restructuring.

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