Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Covid-19 and Sociology

Covid 19 impact on religion 

1.islamophobia( fake news about muslims intentionally spreading the coronavirus )

2.religious polarization(Tablighi jamaat - hate campaign against muslims+ human bombs, corona jihad )

3.denied religious freedom

4.raised the issues of the relationship between religion and science.

5.'genocidal'( collective violence) behaviour towards muslims

6.religious segregation ( Hindus and muslims patients separated into separate hospital warda ) it increasing the stigmatization of muslims

1. 63% of religious Americans believe covid 19 pandemic is message from God for " humanity tochange "
2. Religion use technology to beat pandemic ( Jewish in newyark virtual hugs and kisses )

Covid 19 impact on family structure 

1.The illness of a family breadwinner may result in his or her absence from work. The absenteeism may result in the loss of income. When the person dies, the tempo-rary loss of income becomes a permanent loss.( It has led to rise in marital conflict+ rate of divorce steadily been rising )

2.Poorer households may be more severely affected than better-off households. The relationship between poverty and the costs of covid-19 treatment to households can be visu-alized at two levels. First, covid-19 can push households into poverty. Second, a household that was already poor may be- come further impoverished.

3.covid-19adds stress to the lives of older persons. It kills their adult children, who would have been responsible for their care in old age, and it thrusts them into the role of caregivers for their or-phaned grandchildren.

4.The impact of covid-19 on households is also gender dependent. Deaths of adult men tend to have a larger impact on household income, while a woman’s death has especially severe conse- quences for children because women are the main caregivers in families.

5.home educating is an extended family structure.

6.Unequal division in household labour ( increase burden of care + women have to stay at home and take care of thier families.

7.rise of abusive behaviours in families ( due to pressure of working from home + school closures+ social isolation)

8.increasing domestic violence against women ( most of it intimate partner violence)

9.it stressful and frustrating sometime beacuse of increased household workload, lack of privacy especially in small crowded household

Favourable social aspects :-

1.division of household work ( reassuring symmetrical family system.
2.families are growing fonder and more connected ( parents/child relationship improved )
Covid 19 impact on gender 

1.Increasing domestic violence against women ( most of it intimate patner violence).

2.epidemic lackdown the women autonomy (reinforcing the attitudes and practices that girls as second class+ deepening pre existing inequlities).

3.increasing female genital mutilation cause (disruption of programs to prevent this evil).

4.increasing child marriage ( epidemic disrupt the effort to end child marriage ).

5 women unable to access family planning (facing unintended pregnancy):- Why this inequality:-
    ©Gender pay gap compound this inequality
    ©Women didn't not have autonomy over thier sexual and reproductive lives.

6.work from home ( blurred working hours - no separation from private and professional life )

Favourable social aspects :-

1.gender equality in the labour market ( closure of schools+ childcare,daycare center have increased)

2.job losses of women less than men( bcz women working less cyclical jobs lik education + healthcare + caring )

3.up to 70% of coronavirus death across western Europe is men why:-
    Nandini sundar said :- women are biologically stronger than men they have great immunity then men  Gender based lifestyle choices ( smoking, drinking ).

4.women empowerment (through digitised instrumentation they can get the opportunity).

5.change in social norms and gender quality (father childcare and housecar responsibility increase)

6.division of household work ( reassuring symmetric family system)

Covid 19 impact on work 

Organization of work

1.decentralization of work - due to work from home.
2.decrease in work place socialization and gender socialization.
3.bureacratic corruption decrease due to faceless transaction.
4.access to technology determine the mode of work-wifi,mobile data,personel taptops.
5.rise of technological elites.

Nature of work

1.increases contractual employment and informalization of workforce.
2.not all professionas will adapt to the sudden changes.
3.there will be jobless growth due to increased importance automation instead of employment.
4.lack of unionization in industries due to decreased social interaction.


1.leasure time will be effected due to absence of temporicity of work.
2.there won't be separation between work life and personal life.


1.flexibility of work empowers women to take up occupations
2.decrease work place discrimination eg: technology doesn't discriminate hence they can take up any kinds of jobs
3.increased job opportunities eg: women can work at night from home without security problems


1.increased pressure to provide cyber security
2.difficylt in framing a inclusive policy for all the sectors of work
3.rise in risk society : increasing technological deviance

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