Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Rape culture - sociological dimension

Rape Culture is defined as a Sociological concept for a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.this term was coined during the second wave feminism in 1970.to counter the normalisation of sexual violence against women in the society.

Structural-functional perspective:- the origin of rape is found in the lack of solid social structure and social integration both in the family and in peer groups.

Conflict perspective:- the origin of rape is found in the stress caused by the competition of families for prestige.

Feminist perspective:- the origin of rape is found where the society is constructed image of gender imbalances, male domination over women causes of rape proliferation in society 

Theories which suggests different factors as support for the proliferation of rape Culture :-

1.social disorganization thoery :- the theory argues that crime and deviance reflect conditions that disrupt the integrity of local communities and weaken the regulatory power of social norms ( migration , separation from the family ) 

2.strain theory :- when individual are not able to achieve thier aspirations ( physical needs ) through approved means then they adopt others means like rape 

3.cultural spillover theory:- this theory argued gender socialization and gender imbalances are not only causes for sexual violence as other components of culture might serve to justify and trivialise rape ( aspects of violence in our everyday life , violence in schools,in media can be generalized ) 

Factors behind rape Culture :-

Social factors:-

1.patriarchy society :- indian mindset is mainly defined by patriarchal values and it lead major contributing factor to high insidence of rape. 

 walby defines it as system of social structure and practice in which men dominate,oppress and exploit women. The lives of women in such socities are the hardest.as men are predisposed to view them as thier personal property.

2.gender inequlity:- the deepening of sex ratio imbalances is due to the Cultural preference ( son meta preference-> as infant daughters may be subjected to neglect maltreatment and abandonment) 

3.differentiate gender socialization for boys and girls 

4.sexualization of children ( technology has exposed children to all kinds of violent behaviour , criminal ideology and porn movies ) 

5. Bare Branches phenomenon:-Most violent crime like rape is committed by young unmarried males who lack stable social bonds. ..

cultural factors

1.power distance :- this dimension represent the degree of tolerance of social inequlity by members in a social system - gender inequlity is source of power distance in india often have much less power than thier counterparts- easier sexual exploitation of females by males.

2.toxic masculinity :-men are in charge of the sexuality of women and thier sense of honour depends on this control being socially accepted as legitimate.

3.objectification of women bodies ( advertisement social media,movies )

institutional factors

1.failure of state and legislation :- narrow definition of rape it not incorporating others forms of sexual assault.+ Evidence collection techniques is not standardized

2.failure of education system :- fail to incorporate sex education in schools bcz consrative nature of indian culture. Infact sex was not considered a stigm in ancient time but " Victorian values stigmatized sexual liberalism in india".

environmental factors:-

1.migration ( separation from family , lack of identity and possible anonymity )

2.westernization ( adopting western outlook and concepts- this changes affected our values and concepts:- growing number of nuclear families and break down of traditional joint family+ drinking +drugs )

Assumption and myths associated with rape Culture:-

1.socialization of girls that they have a duty to serve the demands of male sexuality.

2.belief that rape is an everyday occurance that cannot be changed

3.fear among victims and thier families that they will be stigmatized and further traumatized by reporting the rape.

4.women and girls provoke sexual assault with thier behaviour and dress

5.only bad men rape and only bad women are raped

6.it is the responsibility of women to defend themselves and prevent rape.

Consequences of rape Culture:-

1.Suicidal thoughts ( cambell- rape is social problem that could easily lead to suicide or suicidal attempt)

2.exposure an transmission of certain disease without thier knowledge.

3.isolated from mainstream ( it limits activity of women )

4.stigamatized by society ( rejected by community, husband)

5.rise of vigilante justice ( Hyderabad encounter )

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