Thursday, 30 December 2021

Sociological analysis on Population control policy

Social causes of high population growth 

1.Marriage of girls at comparatively younger age: Despite Child Marriage Restraint Act, nearly 27% of women were married before attaining 18 years of Age.

2. Climatic Factor: Due to climatic factor, girls reach puberty at an early age and consequently the period of reproduction in girls is long.

 3.Widow Remarriage: It is another contributory factor especially among the Muslims, lower Hindu castes and tribal communities.

4.Social Customs and Religion: Due to religious factors people of India want male child for performing various religious duty.
πŸ”Έ Agrarian Economy: It is a significant contributory factor especially in the conditions of labour intensive agriculture. 
πŸ”Έ The moment one starts working on the field he is considered employed and fit for marriage. 
πŸ”Έ religion and social institution supporting high fertility 
πŸ”Έ marriage is sacrament in hindu religion 
πŸ”Έ children are considered to be gifts of god,no control of child bearing.
5.Traditional Joint Family System: The joint family system existing in India takes the responsibility of not only reading the children but also provide various social and economic securities and people feel free to go for more children.+ Poor families consider them as sources of income.

6.Mass Illiteracy: In India female illiteracy is a very important factor in growth of population Illiterate women have no role in controlling over children birth as the number of children is decided by male in Indian illiterate family. 

7.Demographic transition : high IMR and child mortality rate, Higher death rate of infant creates apprehensions in the minds of the parents about the survival of child and hence there is tendency to go for more than one child.

8. Failure of Government Policy: Indian government has also failed to make family planning a people's movement.

Social Determinants of population growth 

1.Demogrphic factors : birthrate mortality rate 
Growth rate is high when death rate is controlled with the advancement in medicine science.

2.Economic factors - economically weaker state have more growth rate compared to non economic backward states .

3.Educational status -linked with fertility rate , less educated families are found as less family planning techniques.

4.Social values - desirability of male children.

5.Natural calamities- negative growth in 1911-21 due to natural calamities like plague And influenza .

6.Age of marriage - lower age marriage child marriage.

7.cultural factors -certain religious practice prohibit the use of contraceptive 
     Ex : most of the Orthodox Christians do not permit abortion at any stage .Indian origin doctor in Canada 2012 die to such rule.

8.Accessibility of contraceptive measures issued under the family planning programme.

Arguments favor of population control Policy

1.It ensure sustainable development with Reduced inequality in income distribution.

2.Planned population movement ( it allowing improve health and wealth ) 

3.Changes in the traditional role of women -It helps in having more job opportunities for women.

4.Population control policy mainly aims at reduction of population and less population leads to less pollution and brings healthy environment

5.Population control policy will be the major reason to control or reduce pollution, global warming, deforestation

Arguments against population control Policy 

1.Increasing ageing population - china one child policy warned that strict population control measures would have negative consequences.

2.Discriminatory against women- india has one of the world highest rates of female sterilization,with about 37% of women having the operations. Only a tiny fraction of men choose to have Vasectomies.

3.Female Feticide - policy may also lead to a worrying trend of gender discrimination as a desire for male children could lead to reported abortions and infanticide. 

4.Penalizing vulnerable section of the society- de-incentivization, such as taking away subsidies, rations ext. Will only focus on a very small portion of people.
πŸ”ΈSometimes it is due to extreme Poverty, lack of awareness or the inability to afford contraceptives or abortion that people have more kids.

5.Increase in orphanism and abortions.-Implementation of the two child norm may lead to more sex selective abortion as many people in India prefer having a male child than female child

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