Child sexual abuse (CSA) can be defined as any sexual act committed by an adult on a child for the purpose of the adult's gratification.
Structural-functional perspective:- the origin of rape is found in the lack of solid social structure and social integration both in the family and in peer groups...
Conflict perspective:- the origin of rape is found in the stress caused by the competition of families for prestige..
Feminist perspective:- the origin of rape is found where the society is constructed image of gender imbalances, male domination over women causes of rape proliferation in society
Forms of child sexual abuse
1. Sexual Molestation: Usually not physically stressful to the child. It includes petting,fondling, kissing, mutual masturbation, verbal sexual abuse and innuendo.
2. Rape: In Indian society rape is categorized by penile penetration with or without consent of the female if she is under sixteen years of age.
3. Incest: Incest is any sexual activity between close relatives (often within the immediate family) irrespective of the ages of the participants and irrespective of their consent, that is illegal, social taboo or contrary to a religious norm.
4. Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE): Essentially the prostitution of children and quite often also includes the trafficking of children.
5. Pornography: This method is steadily on the increase. It involves the use of children to produce pornographic material.
6. Sex Tourism: Involves the use of children for sexual gratification. Very common along the
southern and south-western regions of India.
7. Net Crimes: Gives information on how to access children who have been forced into sexual activity from around the world.
Social Factors behind child sexual abuse
1.differentiate gender socialization for boys and girls
2.sexualization of children ( technology has exposed children to all kinds of violent behaviour , criminal ideology and porn movies )
3.. Bare Branches phenomenon:-Most violent crime like rape is committed by young unmarried males who lack stable social bonds.
4.objectification of women bodies Ex- advertisement social media,movies .
5.toxic masculinity :-men are in charge of the sexuality of women and thier sense of honour depends on this control being socially accepted as legitimate.
5.Crisis of Institutions: Secularisation and decrease in morality and values in society has led to increase in child abuse. Eg: increasing child pornography etc.
Consequences of child sexual abuse :-
1.Suicidal thoughts ( cambell- rape is social problem that could easily lead to suicide or suicidal attempt)
2.isolated from mainstream ( it limits activity of children )
3.stigamatized by society ( rejected by community, friends)
4.rise of vigilante justice ( ex: Hyderabad encounter )
5.Easily prone to suicides • Leads to fatalistic suicide due to excess regulation and egoistic suicide due to lack of social integration. (Emile Durkheim)
6.Rise of low trust system due to increasing crimes on children - Leads to restricted social interaction and socialisation (regulation by family)
7.Rise of new social institutions • Child care , Child Protection Organisation