Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Sociological perspective on Live in relationship

Live in relationship is an arrangement of living under which the couples which are unmarried live together to conduct a long-going relationship similarly as in marriage.
Social causes of increasing number of live in relationships.

1.disappearance of traditional joint family from the urban scene. 
2.increased freedom of marital choice 
3.rise in the proportion of female headed household decrease in the average age of household heads 
4.increase in the incidence of separation and divorce , greater tension and conflict between wife and husband as an outcome of marriage. 
5.greater involvement of females in decision making process ( female education ) 
6.changes in social equilibrium ( new and convenient forms of work for women , which helps them take care of their family in better manner ) 
     Social Activist Shobhaa De has commented that the dynamics of marriages have changed mainly because women are now financially independent and therefore in a position to question the old chauvinist order created mainly by men. Thus Women who have now certain amount of bying power and dispensing power too, find some space to decide which type of relationship they wish to choose. They feel that they can also choose partnerships as per their convenience.

Social Consequences of increasing live in relationship.

1.relationship are becoming more cross cultural they are also more contractual now probably leading to more clear cut expectations each other ( sense of freedom ) 
2.social stigma ( poeple have yet not accepted this form of relationship ex: india ) 
3.hurt sentiments of many communities ( individual choice has always been subservient to the communal sentiment or public opinion ) 
4.custody and status of children ( unstable relationship ) 
5.No social responsibility ( make it use of this fact and constantly change partern 
6.aviod discriminatory practices - dowry, domestic violence 


1.disrespect of social bonds and relationships 
2.breaking down of marriage institution
3.still treated as taboo ( it corresponds to the idea of virginity especially of women ) 
4.against out Culture ( western culture v/s indian Culture ) 
5.increase in crime rates - depression 
             These dynamics reveal the whole range of changes in the family system- its structure, functions, core values and regulative norms. This has resulted into a substitute for the deep routed family and marriage system called as a “Live-in Relationship”

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