Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Sociological perspective on Modern slavery

Modern slavery is the severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain. In other words recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of children, women or men through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or other means for the purpose of exploitation.
          According to ILO :- 40 million people are estimated to be trapped in modern slavery worldwide:
Orlando Patterson in his work " slavery and social death " “says social death refers to the condition of people not accepted as fully human by wider society. He alienated from all rights or claims of birth, he ceased to belong in his own right to any legitimate social order.
Forms of modern slavery 

1.Debt bondage :- people trapped in poverty borrow money and are forced to work to pay off the debt. 
2.Forced marriage:- someone is married against thier will and can't leave.
3.Human trafficking :- the use of violence, coercion to transport, recruit of people in order to exploit them for purposes such as ( forced prostitution, labour , criminality and organ removal ) 
4.Forced labour :- any work or service people are forced to do against their will under the threat of punishment 
5.Slavery of children :- when child is exploited for someone else gain ( child trafficking, child marriage, child domestic slavery and begging ) 
6.Descent based slavery :- most traditional form where people are treated as property. 

Causes of modern slavery.

1.Rise in mobility and growth of industries employing forced labours. 
2.Trafficking of children for begging.
3.Naxalites- trafficking children as young for the purpose of planting improvised explosive devices and fighting against the government.
4.Extreme poverty of people and inability of people to find work for livelihood.
5.Inadequate rise of land holdings to support family and luck of alternative small scale loan for the rural and urban poor( low agriculture income->taking debt-> getting bonded -> either in an industry through a contractor of to a large farmer ) 
6.Migration :- the victims of trafficking due to push-full factors of migration make them committing in crimes.
7.RS Sharma says expense on occasions like marriage, death and birth of child etc leading to heavy debts.
8.Caste based discrimination and gender inequality ( ex: sex slavery and descent based slavery ) 
9.State failure :- luck of concrete social welfare schemes to safeguard hunger and illness and poor implementation of existing law ) 
10.Predominance of informal sector :- legal lag - labour legislation only available for formal sectors.
11.Name of protecting family honour :- ex- child marriage and inter generational slavery .
12.Breadwinner of the family :- they need money and food to feed thier family.

Consequences of modern slavery 

1.Denied of social justice :- affected peoples are the members of marginalised castes, tribes, religious minorities, refugees and migrants worked.
2.Mental disorder - depression and anxiety for the victims.women who are trafficking affected by diseases such HIV Tuberculosis and other sexually transmitted diseases etc. 
3.It question the legitimacy of the state 
4.Deprived of constitutional rights ( article 23- prohibition of trafficking and forced labour and article 24- prohibition of child labour ) 
5.Loss of social prestige and lowering the economic standard.
6.Reinforcing caste hierarchies :- There are estimated to be around 160 million people in India who are members of the lowest caste of the Hindu social and religious system, sometimes known as Dalits.
7.Loss of social capital:- ex- child labour - Ignorance of parents about the importance of education.
8.Slow social development and gender inequality. 

Social aspects of modern slavery 
1.National commission on rural labour :- give four kinds of bonded labour practice present in india They are :- Inter generational bondage + loyalty bondage + bondage through land allotments+ bondage of the distress widows.
2.Slavery is the most closed system of stratification:- in which are person owns another, slaves are one of the lowest categories in any stratification system.
3.Slavery can deemed to be highest form of inequality .

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