Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Sociological analysis on MATRIMONIAL SITES- marriage marketing

1.Gender stereotypes 
        ✓Accept a deep gender divide where society expected roles from husband and wife-gender role. 
        ✓Gender polarization- characteristics of a desirable ideal life patner.
      Dave elder argue that how “the attitude of society and the inherent gender bias is overtly reflected through the language used in them :- men are so vocal about their demand for a fair and beautiful girl, whereas 85% of girls were silent on this aspect in men. It is due to the deep-rooted socio-cultural conditioning of the society,

2.advent of westernization and resulant secularization and modernization process form new form of market came into exist which is know as marriage market. 
         Pearson's :- the influence of western education and socio-economic transformations have led to enormous changes in the existing pattern of choosing one's life partner and marriages practice in india 

3.decline in the influence of extended and joint family ties :- making it difficult for families to find suitable life partner. 

4.Reflecting social norms :- social background-caste, sub-caste, gotra and mangalik. Lifestyle- smoking.drinking, vegetarian. 
5.increasing in "NICHE" online matrimonial sites :- Ex: IAS matrimony, elites, doctors wish to marry within thier circle. 

6.Distributive justice :- Ex: indian news paper Mid day, published the country first ever Gay matrimonial aid for gay rights.  

7.growth of metropolitan middle class and romantic conception of marriage led to decline of middle man and rise to gave matrimonial advertisement.

8.rise in self arranged marriage :- defy the fixed categorisation of love and arranged marriage . It provide arranged love represent a globalising face of marriage . 
        Chakraborty in her study the dating and mate seeking by urban Indian slum-dwellers says “Arranged marriages are considered ‘better’ than unsuitable love marriages; however, a love marriage with a middleclass groom or a close relative can topple  most ‘ordinary’ arranged marriages.

9.role of technology :- technologies transgress geographical boundaries and provide more autonomy to candidates in arranging thier own marriage.:- self service technology
     Louis Dumont in his " homo hierarchies" caste system and it's implications, called this " endo recruiting" - the modernity of matrimonicals has reinvented the traditional marriage system, combined the best of both love and arranged marriage, and provided individual as well as social compatibility to candidates and thier families. 

1.hidden casteism and open colorism.
2.catfish phenomenon :- increase the fake profiles and harassment in matrimonial sites. 

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...