Thursday, 29 July 2021

Honour killing - sociological dimension

Honour killing is phenomenon that is clearly the final result and a conspicuous consequences of crumbling socially stated patriarchal norms and thier constant tussle and modernity.
           Arunpal in her work " honour killing " says ideology of honour is one which directly results from patriarchal gender roles wherein conformity to these roles is demanded and source of status and acceptance within the community.
     Radhikacoomaraswamy says honour is really means need to control women sexuality and thier freedom. order to maintain masculine privilege and preserve.( Maintains of women virginity and sexual purity is the responsibility of men )

2.institutionalization of patriarchy ( physical superiority men over women )

3.cultural relativism( Susanne Moller okin in is "multiculturalism bad for women ? Claims that the patriarchy is a worldwide phenomenon that decrease the women possibilities to make choices in life).
 4.khap panchayats ( love marriage are considered taboo + politicians support for vote bank).

5.marxist theory of historical materialism - society is always in state of tussle where the have nots and haves are against each other " this principle can be applied to couples exercising thier right to marry who face opposition threats an account of lower socio-economic status of either of the spouses. of matters by law ( increase cause of run-away marriages)

7.structural lag( honour killing is another outcome of tussle between the obsolete mandates of the rigid society and progressive propelling youth.

8.honour killing is global phenomenon ( bcz oppression of women is a global ).

9.they believe honour killing act as cultural defence( in order to restore the family honour and save the customary practice )
       According to Michael Kurkiala:- under this type of logic and understanding: if a woman refused to comply with the rules set down by her cultural community, her immoral behaviour contaminated the whole family. If other strategies to make the women comply failed, the only remedy was for her male relatives to kill her in order to protect the family honour. Thus, the murders were culturally sanctioned and designed to uphold a specific moral order .

Causes for some honour based violence:-

1. Marrying the person outside thier caste or religion
2. Allegation and rumours about family members( mere perception)
3. Engaging in lesbian and gay relationship
4. Victim of rape
5. Rejecting arrange marriage
6. Disobeying of dress code of community provided to family
7. Prevalence of khap panchayats
8. Loss of virginity outside marriage ( pre marital pregnancy )

Misconceptions about honour killing in indian society:-
⏺️HK is only islamic countries'
⏺️ HK is only limited rural areas
⏺️ HK practice is only limited religion
⏺️ HK practice is that only limited to the women or young girls

Consequences :-

πŸ”Έ Denied of constitutional rights ( article 21right to choice partner)
πŸ”ΈRejection of equilitaranism ( no autonomy to women )
πŸ”Έ Reinforcement of religion and caste atitude
πŸ”Έ Result of state machinery failure ( to frame comprehensive law against honour killing )

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