Thursday, 29 July 2021

Criminalization of politics - Sociological dimension

1.disrupts the constitutional ethos (deterioration of democratic values )
      Rousseau :- he thought that people are corrupt and criminals and this lead to the fall of democracy, where there a people of god's thier govt would be democratic.

2.deterioration of societal values and norms ( cause social disintegration )

3.breeds more crime and corruption (Booth capturing+proxy voting -adverse impact on society)

4.increase unfair governance (ex:- nepotism)

5.tainted democracy ( rule of law is weekly enforced and social division are rampant )

6.self perpetuating ( hampering the inner party democracy) question the legitimacy and credibility of the govt. led to cut throat competition ( contact killing ) led to politicization and criminalization of police ( padmanabhaiah committee ) introduced a culture of violence in society.

Reason for criminalization of politics:-

1. Political culture of india
2. Lack of ethics or values in indian politics
3. Politics of coalition( recent trend )
4. Week civil society in india
5. Inadequacy of laws
6. Money and muscle power

Ramchandra Guha give following reasons for criminalization of politics

⏺️Unholynexus between politicians and bureaucracy.
⏺️Caste and religion ( quota system)
⏺️ Undevelopment,poverty and prismatic nature of indian social system

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...