Saturday, 31 July 2021

Social media - Sociological dimensions and implications

Functionalist perspective:- social media fulfills an important need to reduce alienation
among the class by creating a new standard of norms. Social media creates a sacred space
by allowing people to connect to what sparks thier interest. Is an example of the individuals
desire to be part of society and it's bind society together.
 Conflict perspective:- argued that members of the elite produced the dominant societal
ideas to conceal exploitation of the working class while the social media manipulated
information to normalise inequlity.

1.agent of socialization :- helping to pass norms,values and beliefs to the next generation.

2.marker as social status :- followers become a status symbol+ rise in social media celebrities.
3.threat to social cohesion :- religious fundamentalism, radicalism + social media and hate speech play crucial role in delhi roits.

4.fake news :- influence voters during election+ violence.

5.mobilizing tool for political parties for political movements :-political campaign + advertisement+  political socialization.

6.nomophobia :- fear about without social media + mental disorder+ depression. streaming of suicides :- new phenomenon of live streaming suicide by teens.

8.commidification of public life :- craze for selfie+ location updates on Facebook. media can provide platform for voiceless people :-women:-#me too movement + black  people:-#black lives matter . media can be used as a force for resistance and social change.

Why social media growing 
⚫ product of the cult of the individual 
⚫rising urbanization and individualization 
⚫ breakdown of traditional social structure

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...