Sunday, 1 August 2021

Sociological analysis on Privatisation of education

" Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world " - Nelson Mandela 

Functionalist perspective says education it is an agent of transmission of social norms both general and specific values, 

conflict perspective views education as an instrument of elite domination and elite reproduction. Schools convince subordinate and subaltern groups (SCs, STs, OBCs, ethnic minorities) of their inferiority, reinforce existing social class inequality and discourage alternative and more democratic visions of society.
      Privatisation of education refers to the states policy of allowing educational institutions, both higher and lower, to be run by non-state or private parties for monetary benefits. Private education system existed in india even before the independence in the form of Christian missionary schools and colleges. 

Why it's needed 
⏺️Providing education in remote area and small urban area. 
⏺️Physical condition of the public school is poor.
⏺️Reduce the burden from the state to provide education.
⏺️Problem of brain drain, poor learning outcomes and poor quality of teachers. 

Functions of privatisation of education 

1. Decentralisation and De-bureacratization of educatio.
2. Promote competition this lead to aspirational mobility 
3. Human capitalisation- fulfill the need of skilled man power 
4. Improved the quality of education and training.
5. Liberty of choose institutions- more number of schools and colleges provided parents with a variety of options to choose from.
       The Neoliberal / new right arguments is the state run education is inefficient, they argue that the state involvement leads to " bureaucratic self-interest" to overcome these problems the education system must be privatised.

Dysfunction of privatisation of education 

1. Commodification of education - private object of profit.
2. Commercialization of education- students are paying more for education than the government invest - over commercialization of education is ignore to quality improvement. 
3. Changes in nature of education from social capital to economic capital.
4. Poor people couldn't afford the education- Due to high fees. - it lead to rural-urban disparity.
5. Capitalisation of education system- which benefits bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie. 
6. Print capitalism- media shows which school is the best - Ex- News channel education expo.
7. Increase class inequalities- it will deepen already prevalent class divide in the Indian education system. 
8. Indiscriminate privatisation of education has deprived the children of weaker section and under privileged the opportunity to recieve quality.
9. Education is a basic human right - if education is restricted to only a privileged section it will be a huge injustice to the rest of the society.
How private schools contribute to Elite reproduction : - it perpetuation of inequality in the society.
     πŸ”ΈThey offer academic advantage
     πŸ”Έ Provide suitable general socialization for elite participation

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