Thursday, 4 November 2021

How social media Reshape the caste imagination and mobilization media reshaped caste imagination ( now people can overcome the getto mentality which was ingrained by caste based socialization ) 

2.preferred medium of dissemination of counter culture ( social media is replacing pamphlets in the political rallies of parties such as bahujan samaj party) doesn't discriminate ( technology has proved more liberating than any reform ) 

4.caste based mobilization ( dalit mobilization on social media is breaking the stereotypes cherished for centuries by the high castes ) justice (Dalit intellectuals and organizers make use of social media to address the issue of marginality and social injustice in the case of Dalits )

 6.discrimination by mainstream media ( The mainstream media have not given adequate attention to the condition of the Dalit-Bahujans in india.)

 7.change the form of social movements ( social movements without leaders ) 

8.caste based division of social media platforms ( instragram-brahmina + twitter- kshatriya + Facebook-vaishya + tiktok - shudras. Shudras of the internet)

 9.there is an attempt to build social discourse ( result:dalit consciousness--> dalit empowerment )

 The social media have come to the rescue of the marginalized sections and provided adequate space for the discussion of the issues of the neglected Indians. 

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...