Monday, 29 November 2021

Political parties - Sociological understanding and perspectives

   A political party is a social group with the prime goal of acquiring legitimate political power subject to a background of common ideological belief of its members. In other words, Political parties are organization formed consciously with aim of capturing power. Though, the concept gained currency
in sociological horizon by the efforts of Max Weber, it was Robert Dahl who reflected on its
functional aspect as a communicating channel between its state and its people.
       Political parties mitigate the gap between state and its people by virtue of interest
articulation, interest aggregation, political socialization, political communication and political communication functions.

Functionalist perspective:-political parties are guardian of power in society and use it for collective well beings of society.

Max weber:- political party as " an organized structure which promotes candidates contest elections for the aim of capturing power"

Gabriel almond :- defined political party as the socialized aggregation structure of modern societies.
Functions of political parties

1.political socialization( political parties help to individuals learn and internalize a political lens+ recruitment of political elites ). aims to form government through legitimate (means like contesting elections ).

3.role in mobilize of public opinion ( maclver says " it is the agency by which public opinion is translated into public policy" ).

4.political parties serve as convenient agencies for the expression of individuals and group interest( Robert dahl "political parties act as linkage between government and people condvit for pressure groups and platform for interest articulation" ). is platform to express the needs and a channel for the pressure groups.

6.act as watchdog of public policies

Dysfunctions of political parties.

1.political parties lack internal democracy( Paul brass " says there is lack of internal democracy in parties, lack of spirit of nation, hourse trading opportunitsm and dynastic role. 

2.muscle and money power is criteria during election.

3.particularization of interest.

4.political parties encourage perpetuation of elite.

5.political parties encourage nepotism

6.parties are accused of corruption. clear cut ideological between the various parties.

8.lack of meritocracy.

9.politicisation of primordial traits

   Globalisation undermines political parties hugely Daniel bell states that national government are too small to deal with the big issues, and then too big to deal with the small issues. They are in a vicious circle and this also makes the electorate dissatisfied.

     Robert Michela in his book " political parties 1911" indicates that all parties whether in
democracy or autocracy are organised and key decisions are taken. democracy is an illusion direct participation is impossible. Bureaucracy soon evolves into a technical organisation and starts to behave in a oligarchic manner which Michael termed as " iron law of oligarchy"

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...