Friday, 13 January 2023

Intergenerational marriage - sociological Perspectives

1.Social stereotypes - sometimes society disapproval differently aged spouses.

2.Contractualization of marriage for Visa, residence and agreements etc.

3.Conflunet love - according to giddens today relationship are based on compatibility, companionship and emotional support rather than traditional roles. 

4.cougar phenomenon - used to refer to middle aged women engaging in age-hypogamous sexual relationships.

5.Social acceptance of divergence in traditional relationship conventions due to westernization and globalization.

6.commercialization - dating website, parties annual meeting cruises organized for men interested in yougher women.

7.Social and demographic change - increased life expectancy in welfare socities hat not only resulted in increased common life time of parents but also in the increased existence of families with three and four generations.

8.beanpole family - is a multi-generational extended family, this means that there are many different generations within the family that have few siblings in each generation.

9.increase in rates of divorce and remarriage - due to changing the stracture of inter-generational marriage.

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...