Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Local jobs law by states - sociological Perspectives

1.Feminist Perspective - patriarchal culture inhibits interstate mobility of women, local jobs would help in thier economic emancipation.

2.Sub-altern - reduction in distressed inter-state migration.
       According to Rajni kothari - positive regionalism helps reinforcing federalism 

3.Reservation will act as a safety valve to reduce pressure developed out of regional deprivation.
4.Informalization of work - due to retraction of companies from the states because of less choice for hiring skilled labour and poor.

5.Reduced social mobility - of those not finding relevant job opportunities in thier own state.

6.Relative deprivation and rise is social conflicts.
         Ramachandra Guha - opinion that in a deeply divided society such as ours some form of reservation is need necessary. Indian born in caste historically denied access to quality education do need special care and support

7.State induced regionalism - weakening of the feeling of nationalsim and rise of secessionist tendencies.

8.Regional and cultural disintegration - avoidance of mixing up of cultures.

9.concept of Nation-state - these laws raise questions on the conception of India as a nation. 

10.denied of the constitutional rights - india as one nation with all citizens having equal rights to live travel and work anywhere in the country.

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...