Thursday, 12 January 2023

Bro culture - in workspace - Sociological Analysis

In the workplace bro culture is where male employees are seen as the default and female as an aberration, which leads to misogynistic and discriminatory behaviour. The gender pay gap and sexual harassment at work cases are proof that it still exists. 

     Bro culture isn't a new phenomenon. Since the dawn of capitalism bro culture has existed.

1.Familiarity bias contributes to the exclusion of other minority groups and women 

2.Several accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination of employees within bro culture companies

3.Gender pay gap - persists such as tech industry, are heavily male dominated. The resultant "boys club" type of company culture that is formed can be very difficult for outsiders to infiltrate.

4.Hegemonic masculinity - based on beer, sports, and womanizing. Bro culture tells men that if they do respect women, they are not real men 

5.Legitimises and degradation of women - sexual assault and harassment are frequent in stand up comedies which one is conducted frequently in tech industries.

6.Bro culture undervalues and alienated women and reinforces outdated, traditional gender roles. 

Role of the Police in a Changing Society - Sociological perspective

1. Functionalist Perspective The functionalist perspective views the police as agents of social order and stability. They enforce norms and...